
Talking about Power | What about Privilege? | Interviewing Kimberly Chopin

Talking about Power | What about Privilege? · Kimberly Chopin In the second episode of Talking about Power | What about Privilege? applied linguist Kimberly Chopin is my guest. She grew up in the U.S. but has lived in various European countries as an adult. She moved to Denmark in 2003, has done her Ph.D., works and lives in Copenhagen with her daughter, who was born in Denmark. In this interview we explore how Kim’s background and travels, but also her academic career, have shaped her ideas of privilege.

Talking about Privilege | What about Privilege? | Interviewing James G. Barrett

Talking about Power | What about Privilege? · James G. Barrett My new podcast is live! In the first episode, James G. Barrett, an Australian consultant, writer, teacher, and independent researcher who has lived in Sweden for the last 21 years, talks about his background and how this has shaped his view of privilege, power, and hierarchies. Among other topics of interest in this podcast, he draws parallels between Australian aborigines and Scandinavian Sami people, compares immigration in various countries, the effects of wars, and how privilege plays out in these various contexts. He also argues that everyone is constricted by privilege, also those who have it. Please check it out here !

Harvard Business Review: How to Practice Responsible AI

An interesting podcast with Dr. Rumman Chowdhury, director of Machine Learning Ethics, Transparency and Accountability at Twitter and Exponential View's Azeem Azhar, who explore how businesses can practice responsible AI to minimize unintended bias and the risk of harm. "From predictive policing to automated credit scoring, algorithms applied on a massive scale, gone unchecked, represent a serious threat to our society. They also discuss: How you can assess and diagnose bias in unexplainable 'black box' algorithms; Why responsible AI demands top-down organizational change, implementing new metrics and systems of redress; How Twitter led an audit of its own image-cropping algorithm that was alleged to bias white faces over people of color; and the emerging field of 'Responsible Machine Learning Operations' (MLOps)."

Webinar: Platform work Global North & South

The webinar “ Platform work in the Global North and the Global South: same problems, same solutions? " is organised by the Workers’ Innovation Centre (Metropolitan and Labour University/Argentine Council for Scientific and Technical Research), the Gino Germani Research Institute (University of Buenos Aires), the School of Histories, Languages and Cultures (University of Liverpool), and the AIAS-HSI (University of Amsterdam)begins with a welcome address by Julieta Haidar (Workers’ Innovation Centre, Metropolitan and Labour University/Argentine Council for Scientific and Technical Research) and Mariya Ivancheva (School of Histories, Languages and Cultures, University of Liverpool). The first panel, Work in global platform capitalism, is chaired by Petar Marčeta (AIAS-HSI, University of Amsterdam) and the first speaker is Julieta Haidar (Workers’ Innovation Centre, Argentina) who introduces the work they do on platforms and discusses the power relations inscribed in the precarious ...

European Workshop on Distance Learning

What is the new normal in distance learning in European universities? Introduced by Katerina Adam at NTU Athens, the welcome address is held by Andreas Boudouvis (also at NTU Athens) and this is followed by an introduction and a presentation of the University Alliance held by Christina von Haaren at LUH. The first keynote speaker is Assoc. Prof. Pedro M. Ruiz-Martínez , Vice-Rector for Strategy and Digital University, University of Murcia, Spain. He takes a strategic view on higher education online learning. Ruiz-Martínez stresses the fact that the emergency distance learning we have experienced this past year is not necessarily proper distance learning and he highlights that teaching no doubt will change into more hybrid forms of teaching compared to before the pandemic. The subsequent panel session is chaired by Ondřej Ryšavý , Brno University. The panel consists of Anna Rosengren , Jönköping University, Katriina Mielonen , LUT University in Lappeenranta, Finland, Cornelis Kater ,...